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Receipts required starting June 18
Submit a claim
If we receive your eligible claim before 5 p.m. MT, we may be able to reimburse you by the next business day. This only applies if there are no delays with your bank.
Sign in to your member account.
If you do not have one, you need to register for a member account.
- Go to Claims and select Submit a claim.
- Select a claim type. For health claims, check which category your claim falls under.
- Select the person this claim is for.
- For all claim types, we'll ask you about coordination of benefits.
Select Yes if you have coverage for this benefit with another provider. Select No if you do not have coverage for this benefit with another provider.
- Click the box to add an expense.
- Enter details about your expense. For drug, dental, health and vision claims, you will need to choose a provider from the list. To add a new provider:
- select Find a provider
- fill out the fields and click Search
- select the provider
- Upload your receipts and supporting documents. We accept most common file types.
- Select Add. You can Click to add an expense if you have another claim to make under the same claim type for the same person.
- Review the details to make sure it’s accurate. Read and agree to the acknowledgement and consent before submitting your claim.
Frequently asked questions
Make sure your receipt or document clearly shows the:
- first and last name of the person receiving the service or product
- date of service
- name of the service or product
- health care or medical service provider’s name, address, phone number and registration number, if applicable
- amount charged, which has been marked as paid in full (zero balance owing)
If this information is not included, it will result in requests for more information and delay your claim.
Keep your receipts and any supporting documents for 1 year from the date of your claim submission.
If you have another benefit provider who paid a portion of your claim, you’ll need to provide a claim statement. It should include the:
- other benefit provider’s name (e.g., Sunlife, Manulife)
- first and last name of the person receiving the service or product
- date of service
- name of the product or service
- health care or medical service provider’s name, address, phone number and registration number, if applicable
- amount charged
- amount paid
More information
Everything you need to know about managing claims.
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