Filing your taxes? If you have eligible medical expenses to claim, here's a look at which tax documents you'll need.


Check your benefits coverage

Curious if you have coverage for a product or service? Before you make your next purchase, take a moment to check your benefits to see what's included.

  1. Sign in to your member account.

    If you do not have one, you need to register for a member account.

  2. Go to Benefits.
  3. Select a coverage type from the list. If you're looking up dental and drug coverage, there are some key features you should know about.
    • For dental, Where can I go for my next checkup? shows when you're eligible for dental services. Benefits activity shows how much of your dental benefits have been used within your benefit period.
    • For drug, Drug look-up is where you can see if a specific drug is covered under your plan.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue looking up other coverages.

If you have benefits that have not started yet, they will appear in your account after their effective date.

More information

Some members will have a benefit booklet listed under Benefits. This is another spot where you can go to find more details about your coverage.

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