DBL Contact Information & Feedback

Welcome to the iDBL

DBL Contact Information & Feedback

Please choose from the list below to direct your e-mail inquiry to the right department:

  1. Information about your drug benefits under the DBL.
  2. General inquiries regarding the DBL and related publications.
  3. Feedback about the online DBL. Technical problems with the online DBL.
  4. Alberta Human Services client inquiries.

Note: Any personal information you submit via e-mail may not be secure and could be observed by a third party while in transit. If you need to send messages of a confidential or personal nature, please contact Alberta Blue Cross® by telephone so that we may provide suggestions for an alternative, secure means of communication.

Alberta Blue Cross® contact information:

780-498-8000 (Edmonton and area)

403-234-9666 (Calgary and area)

1-800-661-6995 (Toll-free)

We'd like your opinion about the Drug Benefit List (DBL) Web site!

Thank you for taking time to answer the following six questions about the Alberta Drug Benefit List and associated supplements (Alberta Human Services Drug Benefit Supplement and Palliative Coverage Drug Benefit Supplement).

May we contact you for further assistance to help us make improvements?

(Please note that this information will be kept confidential and will not be used for any purposes beyond those relating to the use of this site.)


The DBL, DBS and related publications require knowledgeable interpretation and are intended primarily for professional health care practitioners, pharmacies, hospitals and organizations associated with the manufacture, distribution and use of pharmaceutical preparations.

Electronic versions of all DBL and DBS related publications are unofficial versions and are provided for convenience and private use only. Official paper versions can be obtained from Alberta Blue Cross® who publishes them on behalf of Alberta Health and Alberta Human Services.

Alberta Health reserves the right to make changes, without notice, to the List through the Interactive DBL (iDBL), and any such changes to the Interactive DBL (iDBL) are effective the date of the change (unless otherwise stated) and regardless of the date of publication in the paper version or updates.