Drug pipeline: What lies ahead for private plans
We monitor the drug benefit landscape, so you don’t have to. Although there are many factors affecting drug costs—some driving them up, others driving them down—overall prescription drug spending continues to be on the rise. Keeping a pulse on the costs and types of drugs coming to the Canadian drug market is important, which is why we’ve created the 2022 drug pipeline white paper. This white paper highlights developments within the Canadian drug pipeline. Our goal is to help anticipate future cost impacts to private plans.
Learn about the drug pipelineThinking micro can have a macro impact on your wellness goals
A new year often means a resolution to adjust your lifestyle. Eating healthier, starting an exercise routine or saving money are common areas of focus. According to a study published by PLOS ONE, 55 per cent of responders felt they successfully followed their resolutions after a year. Tackling new habits can be difficult, but there are ways to make your health and wellness journey more manageable.
Follow these micro stepsConnecting customers to innovative digital health care solutions
We’re proud to announce a partnership between Alberta Blue Cross® and Alberta Innovates aimed at improving individual health and wellbeing by piloting personalized digital health care solutions with a portion of our customers.
Learn about this partnershipThe Canada Dental Benefit
The Canadian government has introduced a new dental care program for families with an annual income of less than $90,000. This program will provide a tax-free lump sum payment to cover dental expenses for uninsured children under 12 years old.
Find out more about the Canada Dental BenefitFive worries that shouldn’t keep you from travelling
The idea of travelling is still up in the air for some (pun intended). But if you’re looking to escape without packing along these common worries, there are a few things you can do ahead of time to ensure your trip runs smoothly.
Follow our handy tipsWhite papers
Drug pipeline 2025: Updates and insights for employer plans in 2025
Our 2025 drug pipeline report highlights the latest medications and breakthroughs in the areas of women's health, diabetes/weight loss, Alzheimer’s disease and ADHD. Learn about these and the cost impacts they’ll have on drug plans.
Read more about the drug pipeline in 2025Drug pipeline 2024: What’s on the horizon for diabetes, weight loss, generics, biosimilars and more in employer plans.
In 2023, drug claims accounted for over a third of benefit costs for Alberta Blue Cross® private health and dental benefit plans. Alberta Blue Cross® continuously monitors the Canadian drug pipeline, assessing more than 300 drugs currently under Health Canada review, to understand major therapeutic areas and specific drug therapies that are likely to impact private drug plans. This document will outline notable developments, providing plan sponsors with associated cost insights to ensure the sustainability of benefit plan offerings.
Read more about the drug pipeline in 2024Raising the red flag: The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in benefit fraud detection
Alberta Blue Cross® is embracing the future of technology. We pride ourselves in keeping up to date with solutions that allow us to provide sustainable, cost-effective plans to our customers. With advancements in digital technology, the opportunities for fraudulent transactions have grown. AI makes it easier to detect benefits fraud. Traditional rule-based systems and manual processes struggle to keep up with evolving fraud strategies. AI models continuously learn and adapt, making it highly effective in detecting known and emerging fraud schemes.
Read more about AI and benefit fraudDrug pipeline: updates and insights for employer plans in 2023
In the last few years, most new drug submissions publicly shared during time often focused on COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. As these products have been covered by government funding thus far, there has been no impact to Canadian private payers. However, non-COVID drug submissions to Health Canada during this time continue to be made up of drug products that will put cost pressures on private drug plans. This document highlights some of the notable developments within the Canadian drug pipeline to provide plan sponsors with insight into what’s to come for their members and drug plans.
Read more about the drug pipeline in 2023COVID-19 vaccine and drug pipeline
Due to the contagious nature of COVID-19 and risk of severe illness and death, efforts to contain the pandemic initially focused on the rapid development, approval and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines. However, as variants of the virus emerge, where vaccine efficacy or uptake is not as high, COVID-19 prevention and treatment options serve as another means to temper the effects of the pandemic. This white paper highlights COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, and considerations for group benefit plans.
Read more about the COVID-19 vaccine and drug pipelineThe psychology of fraud
From huge financial accounting scandals, such as Enron and Lehman Brothers, to the robocalls from what seems like the Canada Revenue Agency trying to steal personal information, fraud is in the news almost every day. This white paper discusses theories behind what drives fraud, and how organizations can protect their benefit plans from it.
Read more about the psychology of fraudNew research supports Return On Investment (ROI) for workplace wellness investments
Many of us know and understand that employee wellness programs are important and valuable, but don’t often see the data to back this claim up. This report showcases the measurable improvements seen among employees participating in digital wellness programs over an extended period of time and highlights the benefits of implementing workplace wellness programs.
Read more about the study by the Institute of Health EconomicsDrug pipeline, what lies ahead for private plans
Every year, advancements and innovations in drug therapies provide important, life-changing treatments for plan members. However, with many new therapies being higher in cost, significant pressure has been placed on the sustainability of private drugs plans. This report highlights some new and notable developments in the drug pipeline to provide insight into what may lie ahead for your benefit plan and your employees.
Find out what lies ahead for private plansWorkplace Wellness results from phase one focus groups
Why are some employee wellness programs more successful than others? This white paper highlights four key factors for success when implementing wellness programs and how they can support your organization.
Find out more about the studyMental health in the workplace
According to the World Health Organization, around 450 million people currently struggle with mental illness making it the leading cause of disability worldwide.
Read more about mental healthBrochures
For more than 70 years, we have been recognized as an organization who delivers quality service and competitive benefits while keeping our customers at the heart of every interaction.
View PDFHelp your employees manage the financial impact of a major illness diagnosis with Critical Illness benefits through Alberta Blue Cross®. These benefits provide a tax-free, lump-sum cash payment for your employees when they need it most.
View PDFWhen it comes to running a successful business, your people are your greatest assets. That’s why even a minor incident or illness can have a big impact on your bottom line. Let Alberta Blue Cross® help protect you and your employees from the unexpected.
View PDFMental illness is a leading cause of disability in Canada. EFAPs directly support employee mental health through short-term, confidential counselling services. Organizations that focus on keeping employees healthy and engaged can reduce disability claims and help employees achieve better results.
View PDFAn HSA complements your group benefit plan, with the added benefit of cost savings and peace of mind.
View PDFPaper enrolment forms can be tedious and time-consuming, so we’ve created an easier way for your employees to enrol in their benefit plan.
View PDFBalance® is an online wellness program from Alberta Blue Cross® that supports your employees and your business, helping you all make wellness a priority.
View PDFHealth care fraud is a national problem that costs billions of dollars and impacts the sustainability of benefit plans across Canada. The increased plan prices could mean passing along premium rate hikes to your employees or even reducing plan options.
View PDFWith the Alberta Blue Cross® retiree plan, enjoy effortless administration while offering exceptional benefits. Why not get the best of both worlds?
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Topics and issues of interest to Alberta Blue Cross® group plan sponsors.
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Information for group plan members to help you make the most of your benefits.
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