- Overview
- Acupuncture providers
- Ambulance providers
- Audiology providers
- Chiropractic providers
- Hearing aid providers
- Home care providers
- Hospital providers
- Massage therapy providers
- Medical diagnostic labs
- Medical supplies and equipment providers
- Naturopathy providers
- Nursing
- Occupational therapists
- Optical providers
- Physiotherapy providers
- Podiatry providers
- Psychology services and social work providers
- Registered dietitians and nutritionists
- Speech pathology providers
- Claimstream®
- National Providers

Claimstream® is a Canada-wide network that enables the secure electronic transmission of pharmacy provider claims to benefit carriers for real-time adjudication.
Currently, Alberta Blue Cross®, Medavie Blue Cross™ and Pacific Blue Cross®—some of the largest benefit carriers in Canada—are using this network to collect claims from providers in select regions.
Claimstream® is presently being used by Alberta Blue Cross®, Medavie Blue Cross™ and Pacific Blue Cross® to collect claims from providers in select regions.
Claimstream® is designed to be transparent for health service providers. If you are submitting claims to Alberta Blue Cross®, Medavie Blue Cross™ or Pacific Blue Cross® from anywhere in Canada, your claim submission software should show both Alberta Blue Cross® and Pacific Blue Cross® in your benefit carrier drop-down menu. If this is not the case, confirm with your software vendor that you are connected to the Claimstream® network.
If you are submitting a claim to a participating benefit carrier and are having claiming difficulties, please call Claimstream® toll free at 1-855-498-8089 or email Claimstream® at
Claimstream® adheres to the highest industry standards and we are committed to working with pharmacy software vendors to provide prompt vendor certification to enable your clients to submit claims using the Claimstream® network. Please call Claimstream® toll free at 1-855-498-8089 or email Claimstream® at
Contact information | |
Toll free | 1-855-498-8089 | |
Claimstream® is a registered trade-mark of Alberta Blue Cross®